NAUPAR sponsors free teaching material on microplastics for schools

Maarten is the enthusiastic captain of the Res Nova. He has been sailing this rugged Groninger Tjalk for years, speaks no fewer than five languages and is an avid sailor. What he particularly enjoys is to chat and interact with his passengers during his sailing rambles on the IJsselmeer and Markermeer lakes and the Wadden Sea. The atmosphere on board is always positive and sociable. He is also very knowledgeable about sailing and the various sailing areas and harbours where the ship ties up for the night, information he gladly shares with his guests.
Lucas Knol is the owner and captain of the Pelikaan. He has been a crew member on charter sailing boats since 2001. After earning his captain’s license, there were no longer any obstacles to owning his own ship and he is now the proud owner of the Pelikaan, a fully equipped tjalk that can accommodate up to 12 persons. This relatively small luxury ship with all the mod cons is particularly suitable for smaller groups.
Rob is captain of the clipper Avondrood (Evening Red). He has extensive experience with groups and will be sailing for the 21st time this summer. “There’s never a dull moment,” he tells us enthusiastically, when asked about his long track record. He has been sailing the IJsselmeer and Wadden Sea for many years and knows exactly where to anchor for great swimming or a special evening in the middle of nature – with the mobile phones switched off.
Joop is the proud owner of the Boekanier. He makes every effort to please his guests while sailing this 33 metre-long clipper.The Boekanier’s home port is Makkum, from where it sails to the IJsselmeer and the Wadden Sea, Joop's favourite destination. Why? Read on!
At the young age of seven years, he stood at the helm of the four-masted Barkentijn Summertime, having the time of his life. Today, thirteen years later, he is the owner and captain of the 40 metre-long clipper Hester and the youngest charter sailing captain in the Netherlands. We are proud of this young professional, with his contagious passion for sailing, which he manages to convey to groups in a fun and inviting way. He also makes sure to fit in plenty of opportunity for fun during his sailing trips. Luca loves to combine sailing and games, so that every journey is an unforgettable experience for our guests.
Lelystad, 09 March 2018 – Deetlef is the new skipper on the Auwe Neel, a sturdy clipper extremely well suited to being used for day trips and trips spanning several days with large groups. Deetlef much prefers sailing the two-masted vessel out onto the Wadden Sea, where the many options include spotting mudflats and seals. But he also knows some great anchorages around the IJsselmeer, such as Konijneneiland near Stavoren. An idyllic spot where, if we bring our own wood, we can build a fantastic campfire on the uninhabited island.