Kampen as host

The International Hanseatic Days took place in Kampen from 15 to 18 June 2017. Guests could enjoy the 37th edition of the event together with NAUPAR. This specialist in the organisation of large-scale nautical events and sailing trips was in Kampen with no fewer than fourteen boats. These traditional sailing ships attracted considerable attention.

NAUPAR is already looking forward to the next edition of the Hanseatic Days in Harderwijk, scheduled for 2030. It may be a while off, but we hope to once again be able to offer visitors a unique experience. But in the meantime, guests can enjoy Sail Kampen in 2018.

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Hanseatic days

Hanseatic days, Hanseatic cities and the Hanseatic League

The International Hanseatic Days are gatherings held in Hanseatic cities, i.e. members of the Hanseatic League. The Hanseatic League originated as a German partnership between various cities around the Baltic Sea. Other cities, including in the Netherlands, joined the League later on. The Hanseatic League facilitated better and safer trade.

The International Hanseatic Days

Each year, one of the Hanseatic cities organises the International Hanseatic Days. This is a four-day event in which all Hanseatic cities are welcome to attend. The cities get better acquainted and have the opportunity to promote themselves and conduct extensive consultations.

Goal of the Hanseatic Days

Nowadays, the International Hanseatic Days serves primarily to keep the idea of the international Hanseatic League alive. The event also enables the European cities to continuously develop both their own unique identity and mutual collaboration.

2030: Harderwijk’s turn

Harderwijk will be hosting the International Hanseatic Days in 2030. Previous Dutch cities to host the event have been Zwolle (1980 and 2002), Deventer and Zutphen (1990), Oldenzaal (1999) and Kampen (2017).