Add a nautical touch

The celebration of a special occasion requires a stylish location. NAUPAR’s ships are ideal party locations that add a nautical touch to your party with friends, family, and acquaintances. With a fleet than consists of over 100 unique sailing ships and 16 harbours of departures around the Ijsselmeer, there will always be a party location nearby. Think of, for example, Amsterdam, Hoorn, Monnickendam, Stavoren, Lelystad, Lemmer, Enkhuizen, Kampen, or what about Edam or Volendam? One thing is certain: Your guests will remember your party location!

Moored or open water

While moored in the harbour, your guests may come and go. Once all your guests have arrived on board, you may also choose to set sail for a short trip and drop the anchor on a beautiful spot on open water. If you really want to catch a breath of fresh air, you can also stand out to the sea and sail the former Zuiderzee or the Dutch Wadden.

All traditional day trip ship

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Party location

Zuiderzee museum, Batavia Yard, or historical town?

From the various harbours of departures, you may sail the course you have decided upon in consultation with the skipper. Will you sail the Ijsselmeer or will you leave for the Dutch Wadden? The Frisian lakes also form a wonderful décor for your party. You can perfectly combine your sailing trip with another activity. What to think of a visit to the Zuiderzee museum, the Batavia Yard, or the eel smoke house on Marken?

Catering and entertainment

Whether you choose a dinner, reception, or just some snacks; With NAUPAR’s catering arrangements you will find the catering you wish for. From a simple meal to a culinary event; Your wish is our command. Besides the catering, NAUPAR can also arrange the entertainment. An accordion player, a deejay, or perhaps an eel smoker or cigar maker on board. All is possible.