In Den Oever in the province Noord-Holland is the mill 'De Hoop'. This is one of the two mills that the Wieringen Molens Association manages. This association is committed to maintain the mills that are still in Wieringen. The mill built in 1672 is open for visits.
Populair ships from Den Oever
Excellent service before the trip and friendly and relaxed team from NAUPAR on board.
Sights in Den Oever
Mill "de Hop"
The Mill ‘De Hoop’ in Den Oever was probably built in the second half of the 17th century, around 1672, as a grain mill. The Wieringer Molens Association was founded in 1991 and soon there were plans for restoration; that happened between 1995 and 1998. Today the mill is used for milling livestock.
That the mill has become so "old" is quite special. It was long thought that the mill was due to a move from Den Helder to Den Oever in the 18th century, but this proved to be the story of another mill afterwards. What happened was breaking one of the two vanes: This happened in the 1930s and after a while with one vane, the mill soon became out of order. In 1952, the already old mill was bought by the Oud-Wieringen Foundation with a slow - but effective! - restoration as a result. The body and the roof were given a new, stronger covering, which probably made sure that the mill is still working today.
You can visit the mill 'De Hoop'. If you want to do this with a large company, please contact the association in advance. Please contact them also if you want to go there outside the visit times or when you want to organize a party on the mill. Lots of fun!